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PDAs with Scan Engines: A Smart Solution for Ordering Service Scenarios

PDAs with Scan Engines: A Smart Solution for Ordering Service Scenarios

Ordering service scenarios are situations where customers place orders for products or services through various channels, such as online platforms, mobile apps,...


The advantages of a 5G handheld PDA

The advantages of a 5G handheld PDA

Here's a summary of the advantages of a 5G handheld PDA with a barcode scanner in today's information world:1. Faster data transfer speed: 5G network offers fas...


The difference between handheld POS machine with and without physical keyboard

The difference between handheld POS machine with and without physical keyboard

Handheld point-of-sale (POS) machines are becoming increasingly popular in businesses that require mobile payment processing, such as restaurants, bars, and ret...


The use of pda in the field of e-commerce

The use of pda in the field of e-commerce

The development of the e-commerce industry has had a significant impact on the use of PDA management in the retail industry. As e-commerce has grown, retailers ...


All Egyptian firms must use e-receipt before April 2023

All Egyptian firms must use e-receipt before April 2023

All companies operating in Egypt will join the electronic receipt (e-receipt) system by the end of December 2022.As of April 1st 2023, registration of costs and...


The New Future of Retail Management

The New Future of Retail Management

In recent years, the retail industry has seen a significant shift in the way businesses operate, with the rise of technology and the adoption of mobile devices....


Application of nfc on pos machine

Application of nfc on pos machine

NFC (Near Field Communication) is a technology that allows two devices to exchange information wirelessly over a very short range, typically a few centimeters o...


Optimal choice for reading tags in industrial and field environments--Rugged UHF RFID Device

Optimal choice for reading tags in industrial and field environments--Rugged UHF RFID Device

Optimal choice for reading tags in industrial and field environmentsRugged UHF RFID DeviceWith our total UHF RFID family for multi-industry applications, all as...


The road to a cashless economy will be the mainstream of the future

The road to a cashless economy will be the mainstream of the future

On Tuesday, December 6, the central bank delivered another salvo. In a memo to deposit money banks, it directed them to impose weekly cash withdrawal limits at ...

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